Comparison of Radiation Levels Emission Between Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLS) and Incandescent Bulbs


  • M I Ike- Ogbonna Department of Remedial Sciences, University of Jos
  • D I Jwanbot Department of Physics, University of Jos.
  • E E Ike Department of Physics, University of Jos.




Radiation levels, florescent lamp, incandescent bulbs, gamma scout


In this paper, the comparison of radiation levels emission between compact fluorescent lamps and incandescent bulbs were carried out with four (4) compact fluorescent lamps and four (4) incandescent bulbs using a Gamma scout (GS 20 model). The measurements were taken at varied distances of 20 to 100 cm. The readings for window 1, window 2 and window 3 were obtained in μSv/h. At distance of 20 cm, the emissions for the compact fluorescent lamp ranged from 7.10 μSv/h to 32.2 μSv/h for window 1, 6.70 μSv/h to 28.3 μSv/h for window 2 and 6.40 μSv/h to 26.1 μSv/h for window 3 and for the incandescent bulbs they ranged, from 2.50 μSv/h to 3.60 μSv/h for window 1, 2.50 μSv/h to 4.00 μSv/h for window 2 and 2.50 μSv/h to 3.80 μSv/h for window 3. The results of the measurement and analysis carried out revealed that, there were possible ultraviolet radiation emission from the electric light bulbs with higher radiation emission from compact fluorescent lamp when compared with those from incandescent bulbs. However the values were still found to be within the safety limit.



How to Cite

Ike- Ogbonna, M. I., Jwanbot, D. I., & Ike, E. E. (2015). Comparison of Radiation Levels Emission Between Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLS) and Incandescent Bulbs. NIGERIAN ANNALS OF PURE AND APPLIED SCIENCES, 6, 124–128.



Original Article