Identification of Depth to Basement and Mineral Deposits in Monguno Area Northeastern Nigeria Using Source Parameter Imaging and Modeling Technique

Aeromagnetic, Aerogravity data, Forward and inverse modeling, Sedimentary thickness, Oasis Montaj 6.4.2 and potent Q. source parameter imagingAbstract
High resolution aeromagnetic (HRAM) and aerogravity data covering Monguno was interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively. Regional - residual data separation enhancement technique or residual from deeply seated magnetic and gravity bodies were taken to discriminate shallow related sources. The residual magnetic values obtained were used to produce the residual magnetic map, while the residual gravity values were used to produce residual bouguer anomaly map. The qualitative interpretation depicts that the area is characterized by low and high frequency magnetic and gravity signatures. The aeromagnetic source parameter imaging indicates sedimentary thickness value of about 3259.4 m, while aerogravity source parameter imaging reveals sedimentary thickness value of about 4674.3 m. These sedimentary thicknesses obtained are indication that the area could have potential of hydrocarbon accumulation. On the other hand, forward and inverse modeling was carried out using aeromagnetic data. It estimates the basement depth for P1 and P2 as 2296 and 1321m respectively with corresponding magnetic susceptibility values of 0.0170 and 0.0100, which indicate the possibility of economic mineral deposits, such as: Sandstone and Shale in the area. Furthermore, aerogravity forward and inverse modeling technique estimates the depth to basement for P1 as 1729 m, with corresponding density value of 2.510 g/cm3 which depicts the possibility of having mineral deposits, such as: kaolinite and gypsum in the area. The results obtained in this work show that petroleum exploration and ceramic companies could be sited in the area. This will provide employment opportunity in the area; and the socio economic life of the people will be greatly improved.
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